Michigan Golf Journal July 2018
Women’s Pro Golf ,ĞƌĞ͛Ɛ Ă ƐƵƌĞͲĮƌĞ ǁĂLJ ƚŽ win a grill room wager. Name the three states that have the greatest presence in women’s professional golf. /͛ůů ĞǀĞŶ ŐŝǀĞ LJŽƵ ƚǁŽ ʹ California and Florida. For No. 3, you’re on your own. Good luck. There’s one LPGA event in &ůŽƌŝĚĂ͕ ǁŚĞƌĞ ƚŚĞ ŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƟŽŶ has its headquarters, with another scheduled to come onboard next year. There are three Symetra Tour events in Florida. There are four LPGA events in California and one Symetra Tour stop. Michigan has two LPGA events – the Meijer LPGA Classic for Simply Give in Grand ZĂƉŝĚƐ͘ /ƚ ĨŽůůŽǁƐ ƚŚĞ sŽůǀŝŬ Championship in Ann Arbor. A third is coming next year to Midland – the Dow Great Lakes ĂLJ /ŶǀŝƚĂƟŽŶĂů͘ Michigan is also host to a pair of Symetra Tour events. And, of course, there’s the Marathon Classic, just south ŽĨ ƚŚĞ DŝĐŚŝŐĂŶͲKŚŝŽ ďŽƌĚĞƌ which may as well be draped in maize ‘n’ blue. Quite likely that would create a furor down there but that’s a discussion for another day. WOMEN’S GOLF: NOT SO SECRET WEAPON By Vartan Kupelian ZĞƉƌŝŶƚĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ WĞƌŵŝƐƐŝŽŶ ĂŌĞƌ ĮƌƐƚ ĂƉƉĞĂƌŝŶŐ ŝŶ 'ůŽďĂů 'ŽůĨ WŽƐƚ