Michigan Golf Journal July 2019

fallen warriors and there will also be a memorial there, to honor them and to tell stories,” Nicklaus said. As for how Gary Woodland’s life will change dramatically as the U.S. Open winner: “His whole life will change,” Jack said. “It will change dramatically for him. All of a sudden, he’ll walk into the club and they’ll say, ‘Hi Mr. Woodland.’ He used to walk in, and they say, ‘what’s your number? 64? 64, your locker’s over there.’ “The press will walk in and you guys will now want to talk to him. Nobody wanted to talk with him before. He’s always been a good golfer. And he’s a super nice guy. But his life will just change dramatically. Demand on his time, people want to see him, people will want to invite him to do things, go be part of this, be part of that. “Plus, his bank account probably changed a couple million bucks,” Jack added with a chuckle. If anyone knows about demand on their time, people wanting to see him and being a part of other’s lives, it’s Jack Nicklaus. There’s a good chance everyone in attendance that calm June evening is still grinning ear-to-ear. 9 July 2019 www.michigangolfjournal.com