Michigan Golf Journal October 2020

Michigan Golf Journal Q&A with Mike Tirico given people a chance to appreciate golf a bit more. For some it was the only option, the only thing that you could go out and do. And I think any golf course you go to you’ll hear that rounds are up, play is up, and people are enjoying the game even more. And I know I have walked more rounds of golf this year that I ever have during the summer, and I absolutely love it. I think golf has used this opportunity to reconnect with some fans and maybe gain some new participants, both of which are very important.” Q Do you feel golf has done a pretty reasonable job at diversity and inclusion? A “It’s so hard to compare to other walks of life because there’s so many different variables. But I will say that I think the First Tee …has done a very good job, with programs like Midnight Golf developing off of it. “This window of added attention to this subject probably is a good time for the sport to re-double efforts to make sure that there is appeal to the players who have less access to the game. I think we all thought that when Tiger was successful that it was going to bring a lot of minorities to the game. “I think the biggest benefit is Tiger’s brought more athletes to the game. He’s made golf cool, but I don’t think we’ve seen the number of minorities come to the game that some thought might, and maybe this national conversation and the increased attention will get a lot of the organizations, and clubs, and individuals in the sport to re-double their efforts to