Michigan Golf Journal October 2020

Michigan Golf Journal A Look at CBD After a decade of physical therapy, every pain medication the doctors could throw at me (including opioids), plus steroid injections directly into my spine... still nothing was working. Then my wife handed me a bottle that she says she has been using for two years for anxiety. She said she was able to stop taking all her anxiety medication since using this product. I had no idea what it was, but trusting my wife, I took it. That evening was the first time in a very long time I felt relief. I asked her what it was, and she said it is CBD. I asked her what CBD was. She said it is derived from cannabis... and I about lost it. I yelled “You gave me marijuana?” She said no – it is from hemp. Two different plants. Since all I knew about hemp or marijuana was whatever I heard from my parents and others growing up, I knew I had to learn everything I could about this CBD she had given me. I spent several months investigating it, taking several online classes including medical classes. I was intrigued by what I was learning. I What is CBD and How Does it Help? Guest Column by Rod Glupker I have always loved the game of golf. That love, however, was greatly challenged – and halted – just over 10 years ago, when I found out I have degenerative disc disease.