Michigan Golf Journal August 2021

41 August 2021 www.michigangolfjournal.com Tess Carichner of Saline Tess Carichner graduated from Saline High School. She won the LPGA Foundation’s Dinah Shore Scholarship , established in 1994. The scholarship is given to a female high school senior whose plan it is to attend college but not play golf at the collegiate level. The recipient of this award will also receive a $5,000 scholarship. Carichner was captain of the varsity cross country and track teams, solo vocalist and pianist with the jazz band, and Co-Founder and President of the Minding Your Mind Matters high school mental health awareness club. Carichner also earned the Prudential Spirit of Community volunteer service award. She is an LPGA*USGA Girls Golf and LPGA Leadership Academy alumna, as well as a two-time Goldie Bateson Scholarship Award Winner. Carichner will attend Michigan’s School of Nursing in the fall, with plans to receive a Doctorate in Nursing Practice. She is passionate about social justice, gender-related health disparities, and mental health, and hopes to use health to promote equity on the grounds of race, gender, age and income. MGJ