Michigan Golf Journal June 2021
5 June 2021 www.michigangolfjournal.com continued. “That’s what the lens or the pen will never capture of American Dunes, is that on this three- year journey there was great headwind, and great struggle. “We had haters along the way, and in dealing with that I was so afraid when Mr. Nicklaus said yes to do this of anything that would be negative around this. And there were just some bad people involved in this journey, that didn’t want to see (American Dunes) happen. They were stuck in the past, or didn’t like me, or whatever it is. Granted, it was a very small percentage but the message for all of is, ‘haters are going to hate.’ They’re out there, they’re real.” Rooney added that looking back he had a couple people planning to sue him “and I was so afraid to have this conversation – and that’s when he pulls me under his wing and says ‘Dan, I don’t think I’ve ever done a golf project in my life without somebody trying to sue somebody.’ He added: ‘This stuff happens but we’re together on this, and nobody is going to break us apart.’” Rooney shared his pleasure and his relief that the transformation of the old Grand Haven Golf Club into American Dunes survived despite tough budget issues and storms coming through and taking down more trees, and Covid challenges during construction – and even the threatened lawsuits. “Dan would say ‘I can’t afford some of these things, and I’d tell him, ‘don’t worry, the money will come along,” Nicklaus said. “You’ve got a real purpose and a really, really good reason you’re doing it. People will help. People like to help. People love what you’re doing and what you’re creating here.’” It didn’t hurt that Nicklaus was so committed to American Dunes he waived his multi-million-dollar design fees. “All of these things that we went through together that were deepening our relationship had we not had the struggle,” Rooney said. “I think that’s true in our marriages (in general life), it’s true in our families. “Everyone’s writing a bright, shining-light story of American Dunes. But the story of humanity pretty much is, that the greatest achievements most often have to come from the places of the greatest resistance and challenge. And through that, we built this amazing, Level 3, totally honest relationship where you can go back and forth with someone and know that person’s never judging you.” We’ll reserve the judgements for the completed golf course – to which this writer gives an A+. MGJ