Michigan Golf Journal October 2021
that we’re a very special breed, I don’t think he (Mayfair) could have summed it up any better,” Bennett said. “I think Asperger’s Syndrome hinders you in a lot of respects, but it also makes you stronger in other aspects. Sometimes with Asperger’s you’re a little too deep and too honest around other people. And I’m not saying honesty is a bad thing, but sometimes you can get a little too personal and it makes others a little uncomfortable. “But at the same time, Asperger’s gives you the ability to relate to other people when they feel the same way, because you feel that way all the time. You feel awkward. You feel left out, and you can relate with them and tell them how you’ve dealt with it. And I think that’s what makes Asperger’s Syndrome more of an advantage in the world instead of a limitation.” Bennett has taken advantage of the opportunities golf has brought to his life. His next goal is to get accepted into the PGA management program at Ferris State. He also creates fantastic videos of some of his rounds of golf, with full commentary and a funny, unique perspective: https://m.youtube.com/channel/ UCDB6gN4TvuGj314-xMvDPnQ “Benny was so good about getting everybody pumped and getting everyone involved,” Cooper said about the team’s interaction. “And I don’t even know if he realized how much of a positive affect he had. “He is the most diverse person we’ve had on the team. We have a very wide variety of students at Athens, and he’s one that shows everyone a different perspective. He looks at things differently and he’s so good at expressing himself, he doesn’t even know he’s doing it and he’s teaching people how to be better as a person. The team wanted to be around him. He made us better. He is responsible for making us better people, and that turned into positive results on the course.” MGJ Michigan Golf Journal Team Leader