July 23 MGJ

Our Contributors This Month Ed Travis Kurt Wieneke Ed Travis is a national award winning golf journalist and has had a lifelong love affair with the game. He has competed in tournament golf both as an amateur and as a senior professional and though his competitive days are behind him, he still plays regularly and carries a handicap of 2. https://www.facebook.com/ed.travis.98 KurtWieneke, akaWineGuyKurt, a freelance wine writer who grew up in Seymour and is now based in Indianapolis. Kurt, an avid wine taster, enjoys sharing his 30 years of experience in collecting and tasting fine wines. Len Ziehm Len Ziehm spent 41 years as a golf columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times. He now free lances golf travel pieces and posts for http://lenziehmongolf.com/. Find Len on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lenziehmongolf/ Michigan Golf Journal