Michigan Golf Journal September

their superintendent and course maintenance staff on that day. Show your support on Social Media, use the hashtag, #ThankASuper. The GCSAA The Golf Course Superintendents Association was officially founded in 1926, but the first meeting of American greenskeepers and golf course maintenance workers was actually held at Sylvania Country Club in Toledo, in 1916. S.P. Jermain, who was responsible for designing and building Ottawa Park Golf Course in 1898, saw a need for golf course superintendents to share ideas and study best turf practices. He invited several golf course workers to the meeting and from this first meeting in Toledo the GCSAA was formed ten years later. From its headquarters in Lawrence, Kansas, the GCSAA provides education, information and representation to more than 19,000 members in more than 78 countries. The association’s mission is to serve its members, advance their profession and improve communities through enjoyment, growth and vitality of the game of golf. Do your part on September 12, Thank your local Golf Course Superintendent. To learn more about GCSAA and the essential role superintendents play in the enjoyment and sustainability of the game, visit www.gcsaa.org.