The Short Game

Golf Tips provided by Dave Kendall Academy in Ypsilanti


There are no great champions in the game of golf that do not have a good short game.


There are many outstanding ball strikers who are not good short game players.  Great ball strikers have the ability to hit the ball with consistent strike, shaft, and face, over and over again, the same. The ball striker is a scientist: consistent, reliable and dependable.  


Great short game players understand that each short game shot is different than the previous short game shot.  A great short game player becomes good because they understand loft, shaft, face, bounce, run, stop, lie, etc.  The short game player is the artist, the dreamer, the creative mind.   He/She provides to the shot what is necessary for success.


The technique that produces a high weak slice with a driver, will produce a high soft wedge over a bunker.  In this case, the skill that would make you a crooked driver may make you a good, high soft, wedge player.


Typically, good short game players have a flexibility of mind as it pertains to the creative approach of providing to the shot what is needed, not necessarily what is according to ball striking principles.


Great champions seem to have the capacity to possess the concept and discipline to produce consistent golf shots and the creativity and flexibility of mind to produce the right blend of trajectory, distance, and direction necessary to provide what the situation requires.


If your short game needs improvement, a qualified teacher can do an analysis of how your concepts and skills match what will be necessary for improvement.

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